
5665 W Sprague Rd
Hallam, NE 68368

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Closed until the 2025 Season.



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The concept for Prairie Woods began many years ago when Les & Judi were visiting Christmas Tree farms with their children. They fell in love with the idea of creating a place where families could enjoy their own Christmas memories.

Les & Judi took bits and pieces of their good experiences at other Christmas Tree farms and started planning Prairie Woods. They wanted a place where families would want to return every year for the experience as much as the quality trees.

The first trees, planted in 2002, were of many different varieties. Some could not withstand Nebraska summers. Others could not withstand Nebraska winters. From this experiment, four varieties were selected: Canaan Fir, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir and White Pine. These types of trees are found on the farm today.

Master Gardener + Agronomist = Tree Farm


Les and Judi Korte are the elves who care for the tree farm. Les worked in the agronomy department of the University of Nebraska for over 40 years, doing soybean research. Judi is a retired registered nurse and has completed master gardening classes. Both Les & Judi grew up with a love for the land. Les was raised on a farm in northeast Nebraska and Judi’s love of the prairie began in the Sandhills. The tree farm fulfills a longtime dream of growing things in the fertile soil of Nebraska.